What happened in Toronto Housing Market in 2020
2021 is finaly here. We had expereinced a lot in 2020, so as Canadian Housing Market.
Year of 2020 is tough for everyone, however, Real Estate Market showed us how tough it is .
Within GTA(Greater Toronto Area), Total number of Sales was up by 24.3%. Average housing price was incresed by 13.3% up to $955,615 with all property types.
While we welcome the new year, let’s do a little performance review on the housing market of GTA in the past year.
1. Price Increase Top 5 Cities within GTA

Above data was based on Treb (Toronto Real Estate Board ) Market Watch on November 2020 and November 2019.
As you can see, Number One, Uxbridge gained 40% compared to the price a year ago.

Uxbridge is located northeast of GTA with lots of Trails, parks and river.
It fits this year’s real estate trend that people look for more space, trees and being close to the water.

Simcoe County is also a big winner this year. Almost all the cities within it have a good price gain this year.
What is the selling point? Lake of Simcoe, of course.
This year, where the water is , where the buyers are .

2. Hottest Housing Market Top 5 within GTA

Orangeville became the hottest market within GTA based on the data in November 2020.
I think the reasons behind are the distance to GTA central locations and affordable price.
Although the year to year price gain of Orangeville is only 8%, it has big potential for investment.
3. Price Increase Top 5 Cities Outside GTA

North Bay Housing price was increased the most compare one year ago, about 29%.
In term of price increase, the cities outside GTA was a bit shy from the cities within GTA.
However, because of the low price, and high SNLR, the cities outside GTA has more potential for price appreciation.

4. Hottest Housing Market Top 5 outside GTA

St.Catherines is ranked hottest market outside GTA It is about 10 mins drive from Niagara Falls. This year the whole Niagara region gained lots of attention from the investors.
Anywhere is close to the water is hot this year. Thunderbay is ranked Number 2 on the list. The only drawback is it is a bit far from Toronto.
Above is the review on the GTA housing market in 2020. Hope it will offer some help for your future investment.