The Niagara Towns is a new townhouse development M5V Development currently in preconstruction at McLeod Road, Niagara Falls. The development is scheduled for completion in 2022. Sales for available units range in price from $287,900 to $499,900.
Minutes away from Niagara Falls-Fallsview Casino;
Nearby Go Transit Station ;
Around Waters Golf Club ;

Maintenance Fee: $0.21/s.f.
Parking: $10000
Deposit Structure:
$5000 Deposit with Offer
Balance to 5% in 30 Days
5% in 90 Days
5% in 370 Days
5% on Occupancy
Comments: From 2018 to 2019, average housing price in Niagara falls has gained 16%. Affordabilty is the key. With GTA price is rokethigh, Golden Horse Shoes areas have gotten more and more attention. With positive cach flow each month, but much lower initial investment cost, these are where you should put your money in.
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